Scafell Pike via Lingmell

Date                    16/04/2005

Walk done by:   Susan, Barb G, Tony, Paul & Jed

Weather:             Overcast then cold icy conditions with thick mist. Temp 32f to 28f (0c to -2c) above 3000 ft

Distance             6 miles.

Started at:          Wasdale

Before we set off Barb read her fortune on the internet. It said "Today you will go out with nerdy friends". How true it was - those nerds were us!

The forecast was for rain to clear leaving dry and possible sunny spells and so off we set. The rain had already stopped when we left the cars. Soon we were ascending the steep ridge of Lingmell. Just as the ridge starts to level off it began to rain and by good fortune we came upon a workmen's hut. This provided a superb shelter for us to have lunch and change into waterproofs.

As we left it had stopped raining and off we set for the summit. By this time we had hit the cloud base and for the rest of the day we were engulfed in thick mist - there never was the promised sunny spells. Having reached Lingmell summit we decided we would continue on to Scafell Pike. As we reached Lingmell col it was getting worse but we found the path up to Scafel Pike. As we climbed conditions worsened. the mist was thick but it was easy to follow the cairns to the summit. The conditions at the summit were icy cold with nil visibility. On the cairn was a group of lads - one of whom was in shorts. He was the biggest nerd of the day.

For safety reasons we decided to follow the same path back to Lingmell col and then take the path through Hollow Stones, as we had done on a previous walk. Due to the heavy mist we never found that path. So we decided to descend by the same route as our ascent. Finally we reached the Wasdale - Lingmell path. This descent is steep in places and both Tony and Barb had falls. Tony's was quite bad as he had slight concussion. It was a bag of stones - those used to repair paths - that had arrested his fall, but he hit it head first.

Soon we were down and headed for the pub were we had a good meal and several pints of excellent ale from the micro brewery at the Wasdale Inn.

This was Barbs first fell walk - what a one to start on.

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Lingmell from the start of the walk


Looking west to Wast Water

Looking towards the Wasdale Inn

The steep ridge of Lingmell


Lingmell Gill and Wast Water


Wast Water from the stile on Lingmell's ridge


Wast Water from near the wall

Above the stile we hit the snow line 

This workmen's shed provided welcome shelter from a heavy shower. So we had our lunch in luxurious dry, and wind free conditions


As we vacated another couple took up occupation

Eventually we reached Lingmell summit and its icy cairn

Lingmells cairn is another that has been vandalised


From Lingmell we decided to continue and conditions worsened. this is one of the many cairns on the route up Scafell Pike


Barb in one of the shelters on Scafell Pike....


...and Paul in the same shelter

Thick ice inside the shelter.


Susan, Paul, Tony and Barb on Scafell Pike summit

Click here to take you to photo's of a previous walk along this route

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